Kickstarter Launching on February 15th

In exactly two weeks (2/15), we’ll be launching our Kickstarter for The Violets of Amicus™. We need to raise $80,000 in order for our project to be successful. $40k will be designated towards art. $15k will be designated towards programming. $5k will be designated towards SFX design. $5K will be designated towards testing. $5k will be designated towards marketing. And $10K will go towards Kickstarter fees and taxes. Our goal is to have the game completed in 2027, releasing sometime in 4th quarter.  Our campaign is an “all or nothing” – meaning we need to raise all of the money in order to have had a successfully Kickstarter.


Typically, Kickstarters are most successful when they have an good start. A good start means getting 25% – 33% of the goal within the first couple of days. If a Kickstarter doesn’t have a good launch, Kickstarter’s algorithm will most likely suppress the page, making it even that much harder to get funded. If you are graciously planning on funding, please consider backing on 2/15, as that will help with a smoother launch, and a better chance of being successfully funded.

Thank you for considering backing our project! It means the world to have you help support our game.  For those who are following along, but don’t play games and want to support, Kickstarter does have a “Make a pledge without a reward” button.  For everyone else who plans on supporting and are wanting a reward, this is what we’re offering (each previous reward is included in next reward):

  • Name in Credits – $5
  • Game Copy – $25
  • OST – $35

These rewards include the previous three, but are each their own reward:

  • Name a Minor Character – $75
  • Name a Major Character – $250
  • Talk with the Team – $500
  • Producer Credit (Custom Game Addition) – $1000

We are also offering limited amounts of early bird rewards of “Game Copy” only, at $15, $20 and $22!

Thank you so much for following along.  The next phase of Violet is soon to begin.  We can’t thank you enough for your support!

The Team
The Team

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